Hello! from Kuwana

  • Published: 2016.9.8
  • author: crazy

CRAZY got back Daijuen apprentice on 1st of September.

2016-09-01 12.35.02 のコピー



I keep hard work on August. 

Decandling on daytime and making bonsai bench.

2016-08-21 07.35.05 のコピー


Then wiring at night.

2016-08-22 21.06.09 のコピー2016-09-01 06.25.13 のコピー2016-08-25 13.49.59 のコピー2016-08-26 11.54.33 のコピー2016-08-26 18.19.28 のコピー2016-08-28 12.35.35 のコピー2016-08-28 12.35.35 のコピー2016-08-31 11.11.06 のコピー2016-09-11 21.25.03 のコピー

You can see more photo if you chosen picture.


I start Daijuen apprenticeship at morning. Then back to Kuwana to continue practice at night until midnight.

two hours to get Daijuen…


What a crazy life!!



So hard to upload this site…


You know Instagram? I have account “bonsaicrazy”.

Thats easy to upload.


But, I keep try to up on this site too…