The Second Half Kokufu-ten

  • Published: 2016.2.9
  • author: crazy

We go back to Kokufu-ten to bring back some trees and set up some trees for the second half of Kokufu exhibition.

Thats enough for two cars.



We got Tokyo much earlier to look around show of the first half.

Because, We did not have time to see trees when we set up first half.



I had talked with Jonas who making bonsai blog that called “Bonsai Tonight“.

We met in Japan and US since …   5 years ago?



I was really happy to meet him again☆





At night, I had joined dinner of Daiju-en family.


Table of apprentice.




By the way, Sold Japanese White Pine.





I wanted to retouch that tree.

I’m happy. Also I miss that tree.